Розничная цена 6ки
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В Паттерне:
ограниченный выпуск
Double gauze Jacquard weave (Japanese technique)
100% organic cotton
size 1 (190cm) - 135€
size 3 (320cm) - 190€
size 4 (370cm) - 205€
size 5 (420cm) - 220€
size 6 (470cm) - 235€
Our double-gauze weave, in an easy care blend, mighty and airy. With a fluffy cotton bringing smoothness and texture among the layers, playing in between the sky and the sea. Navy blue, light blue, united in black.
A strong wrap for all levels of experience. It will need a short period of breaking in to better suit smaller babies.
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Slings and other things...
Made in France, with a brazilian twist.
Château Coco:
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