Elo in Wonderland is the result of the constant and meticoulous work of a great team: Simona Pistorello, the artist who made this lovely representaion of Alice in Wonderland and Daniela Galli that followed the project.
The wrap was woven with 3 different weights: 250 (standard version) and 320 (thick version)for the 100% cotton and 300 for the linen one (50% cotton, 50% linen).
The 250 weights is available in several colors (red, green, pink, yellow) while the 320 was woven only in black and white or with the draw in red or green.
The company who followed and believed in opur project is BabyMonkey, the first producer of wraps in Italy.
BabyMonkey disegna, progetta e crea Fasce portabebè rigide e ad anelli, 100% made in Italy.