I started Leora 2 years ago. During these two years, I didn’t have time to look back because the time was running out so quickly !
First of all I needed to find partners crazy enough to follow me in my project. Then I needed to organize a strong and rigorous production chain, in order to create wraps the way I dreamed about. Leora’s wraps needed to be beautiful, perfectly confortable and match our values at each step of the production.
Now, Leora starts a new development stage. We are structuring our process, trying to find a more professional workshop and recruting to keep innovating and offering something really special to wear your babies.
This second anniversary is at the border of the two versions of Leora : between the small artisanal company and something we need to imagine with you in the following years.
That’s the reason why it is time to look back and come back to our original wrap : Aquarelle Petit Pierre.
But you know, we never swim twice in the same water. So we decided to do a wrap slightly different : a black and white Aquarelle with organic fairtrade cotton and french linen. We named it Aquarelle Origine.
Aquarelle Origine will be available by pre-order starting tomorrow 9pm CET on our website. You will be able to choose a shawl, a size 4, 5, 6 or 7 as long as supplies available. Pre-order will be open until February 8.
Wraps will be weaved specially for you so you will need to pay the total amount when you pre-order and it will not be possible de be refund or to change the delivery address. This is absolutely necessary if we want to be quick, efficient and avoid mistakes.
The 15 first size 6 will be sent in 3 weeks. For the other wraps, we will ask you to be a bit more patient. All Aquarelle Origine will be sent at the latest two months after your order.
Be sure that we will do our best to send wraps as fast as we can. The loom is chafing at the bit. Our sewers, Anne-Lise and Claudia, and I are in the starting-blocks !
Now, let me wish you great pre-order ! Please, share this around you, this is so helping. You can of course ask all your questions in comment and I will be pleased to answer.
See you tomorrow evening at www.larucheleora.com ;)
Shawl : 245€ ; Size 4 : 300€ ; Size 5 : 325€ ; Size 6 : 350€ ; Size 7 : 375€ (prices includes VAT but not shipping. Clients outside Europe are not submitted to VAT)
Weight : 375g/m2
Weaving : double satin, pocket weave with two wefts and two warps : a black weft on a black warp and a white weft on a white warp.
A la ruche, nous avons gardé de l’enfance nos rêves et notre envie de tout oser. Si comme nous, vous aimez frôler de vos pieds l’herbe mouillée. Si les rides qui dessinent le visage de votre grand-mère vous emportent avec le lapin blanc dans le labyrinthe du pays des merveilles. Si surtout, vous voulez vivre aujourd’hui vos rêves d’enfants, alors vous faites déjà partie de la ruche sans le savoir. Quels sont les rêves qui ont inspiré notre projet ?
Léora est née d’une aventure hors du commun, celle d’une expatriation en famille pour un an à Québec. Nous sommes partis avec nos deux enfants de 10 mois et 2 ans, nos 11 valises et des rêves pleins la tête : approcher des ours et des caribous, marcher en raquette jusqu’aux sommets enneigés, avancer au pied d’immenses chutes d’eau. Grâce au portage, ces rêves sont devenus de sublimes souvenirs dans nos cœurs et dans la mémoire de nos bambins. Il leur a permis de vivre à hauteur d’adulte, d’ouvrir une fenêtre sur le monde, sans limite ni barrière. Pour nous, cela a été la joie de partager l’extraordinaire avec eux, en sentant leur souffle chaud dans notre cou et en recueillant au creux de l’oreille ce qu’ils voyaient.