Розничная цена 6ки
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В Паттерне:
ограниченный выпуск
Composition: 100% Egyptian Cotton
Weight: 300g/ms
Colour: Chocolate brown cotton is woven onto a beige warp to give a rich, warm tweed. Caramel cotton is also used in the weft to create Lewis' lace. This is a sumptuous autumnal coloured Lewis. This coffee coloured wrap may be all cotton but do not be deceived, it is a strong espresso, not a weak latte, it will carry the heftiest of weights with ease.
Size 3 £160, size 4 £175, size 5 £190, size 6 £205
Release Wednesday 22nd Oct 12.30pm BST
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Fashion, luxury and comfort, everything you need for beautiful babywearing.
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