Розничная цена 6ки
Обратите внимание! Мы не продаем этот шарф. Приблизительная розничная цена указана для справки.
В Паттерне:
ограниченный выпуск
Classic Jacquard double gauze (Japanese technique)
63% organic cotton, 37% linen
230gsm before wash
size 2 (270cm) - 215€
size 3 (320cm) - 230€
size 4 (370cm) - 245€
size 6 (470cm) - 275€
*minimum size criteria.
Product designed and tested for children from 3kg to 15kg.
« I have always been proud that my name stands for Peace. »
Paloma Picasso
Overload of cuteness, soft but also plenty of surprises regarding its numerous wrapping qualities, suitable for a newborn and for a toddler in multi-layer carries, with an ideal weight for hot seasons. Peaceful dreamy pink. Paloma.
Картинки могут быть защищены копирайтом. Связаться с Нами
Slings and other things...
Made in France, with a brazilian twist.
Château Coco:
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