I have been dreaming of making this wrap from the beginning. It tooks 3 years to make it real. It is telling my own story and the way I became a mother, a long time before giving birth. That was a day of June. Let me tell you this story…
just had been hospitalized for internal bleeding and I was hoping very strongly to be pregnant. On the evening I started vomiting very violently. My husband was on duty so I told myself : I need to walk 20 minutes to reach the hospital. I can handle it !
Of course it was stupid. And of course I failed. A few minutes later I was tackled with pain on the floor. A few person walked close to me but didn’t stop. Sudenly, a man, a black giant stopped. He lifted me as he would have done with a simple feather and carried me to the hospital befor continuing his proper life.
A few hours later, a was waiting on strecher. A man came to me. He explained that my lungs were drowning and that they needed to be punctured. He also told me that one of the exam results was positive : the one telling that a human being was growing into my belly.
I was alone this night. My husband had for duty to save some lives and he did it. During the same time, two men that I new from nowhere saved two other lives : mine and my baby’s.
"Aquarelle les liens" will be available by pre-order on Tuesday 9pm CEST within the limit of available stocks.
Here are all the details about the wrap :
Blend : 100% organic and fair-trade cotton
Weight : 375g/m2 before wash
Weaving : triple satin
Care : machine wash 30° maximum and 900tous/min spinning
Prices : Shawl : 240€, Sling : 265€, Size 4 : 295€, Size 5 : 320€, Size 6 : 345€, Size 7 : 375€ TTC, without postage fees.
Shipping fees : France : 15€, Europe : 21€, Swiss and Norway : 24€, Worldwide : 58€
Photo : Leora
Muses : Aurélie and Alicia
A la ruche, nous avons gardé de l’enfance nos rêves et notre envie de tout oser. Si comme nous, vous aimez frôler de vos pieds l’herbe mouillée. Si les rides qui dessinent le visage de votre grand-mère vous emportent avec le lapin blanc dans le labyrinthe du pays des merveilles. Si surtout, vous voulez vivre aujourd’hui vos rêves d’enfants, alors vous faites déjà partie de la ruche sans le savoir. Quels sont les rêves qui ont inspiré notre projet ?
Léora est née d’une aventure hors du commun, celle d’une expatriation en famille pour un an à Québec. Nous sommes partis avec nos deux enfants de 10 mois et 2 ans, nos 11 valises et des rêves pleins la tête : approcher des ours et des caribous, marcher en raquette jusqu’aux sommets enneigés, avancer au pied d’immenses chutes d’eau. Grâce au portage, ces rêves sont devenus de sublimes souvenirs dans nos cœurs et dans la mémoire de nos bambins. Il leur a permis de vivre à hauteur d’adulte, d’ouvrir une fenêtre sur le monde, sans limite ni barrière. Pour nous, cela a été la joie de partager l’extraordinaire avec eux, en sentant leur souffle chaud dans notre cou et en recueillant au creux de l’oreille ce qu’ils voyaient.