In the ancient Greek and Rome culture a moth, also called a nocturnal butterfly, was considered as a counterpart of an immortal soul. Our soul like a butterfly, which releases from caterpillar and maggot stages beautiful and light, leaves the human body. Moreover, the moth become a symbol of the transformation and deep, irreversible change of women’s role: from a girl, through a mother to a wise old girl.
Today, we have prepared for You QUEEN OF THE NIGHT in a deep nocturnal variation of pewter colour with metallised yarn.
( 96% cotton, 4% metallised yarn) will be available tomorrow 25 January at 2 a.m. CET in a full range of products.
Ceny - šátek - 4 - 2970 Kč, 5 - 3160 Kč , 6 - 3240 Kč, 7 - 3490 Kč, nosítko - 5250 Kč . Ostatní ceny produktů na dotaz.
LennyLamb Company is a family business and initiative of people that are fascinated by the phenomenon of babywearing.