100 % Organic Cotton
SIZE 3 - 109,00 €
Size 6 - 149,00 €
"With irresistible charm, they stand tall
Unabashedly seeking the source of their sustenance.
Sunflowers show us the beauty of staying connected
with all that nourishes and sustains us."
Carry with you and your baby the beauty of Sunflowers with the new Didymos woven wrap. Didymos has artfully combined four colours to create an impressive Sunflower display, including yellow and purple which were historically colour pigments derived from the plant.
This new release is woven of the highest quality organic cotton. As with all Didymos woven wraps, the fabric is specially woven to include an inherent diagonal stretch which allows for a perfect fit each time and precise adjusting of the fabric.
As we drive by fields and gardens with sunflowers in full bloom, we cannot help but admire these beautiful, sunny giants. The sunflower symbolizes positivity and strength, admiration and loyalty.
The sunflower is native to North America and was first grown as a crop by indigenous tribes over 4,500 years ago. The seeds were ground into a flour, squeezed for oil, cracked and eaten on their own. Non-food uses include yellow and purple pigments for colouring textiles, pottery and body painting, medicinally against snake bites and in ointments, oil for skin and hair, and the dried stalks as building materials.
Today, the sunflower still plays an important role in modern agriculture, food production and wildlife management.
Surface weight: 200 g/m²
Washable: Up to 60°C, Gentle Cycle, Slow Spin Speed
Colour: Dark Blue, Emerald and Gold
Age of child: From Birth
Different Edges: Yes
Zum Impressum
Tragetücher - als erstes in Deutschland und Europa eingeführt von DIDYMOS.
Erika Hoffmann entdeckte die Bedeutung von regelmäßigem Körperkontakt zwischen Mutter und Kind zunächst für ihre eigenen Kinder. Das große Interesse anderer Eltern ließ sie 1972 die Firma DIDYMOS gründen. Inzwischen in der zweiten Generation, ist der Familienbetrieb der führende Hersteller perfekter Tragehilfen.
DIDYMOS Tragehilfen sind das Resultat aus Jahrzehnten Erfahrung und dem regen Austausch mit Eltern, Hebammen und Ärzten.
Angefangen mit den Rohstoffen aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau legen wir besonderen Wert auf die Reinheit unserer Produkte. An der gesamten Herstellung von der Garnherstellung bis zum Versand sind ausschließlich regionale Kleinbetriebe beteiligt.
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