Verkaufspreis von Gr. 6
Beachten Sie! Wir verkaufen nicht diesen Tragetuch. Annähernde Verkaufspreis von Gr. 6 hat als Referenz angegeben.
Gr.6 190USD
Im Muster:
limitierte Auflage
35% Egyptian LS cotton, 30% Alpaca, 25% Cashmere, 10% Mulberry silk, 246 g / m2
size ring sling - 235€ , size 6 - €345
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For nine months a new life is getting ready to be born. After coming into this world a baby still needs lots of parents' love. Sharing all the values of attachment parenting we offer you to feel a new edge of babywearing.
Top quality, wide variety of blends, unique patterns and ultimate comfort of wearing is what we have chosen for you, the best of the best.
Coco-N Fashion perception of babywearing.
Качество, многообразие блендов, уникальные паттерны и невероятный комфорт слингоношения – мы выбрали лучшее из лучшего.
Coco-N: Модныйй взгляд на слингоношение
Coco-N Babywearing fashion:
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