50% Naturfarbene Bio Baumwolle, 45% Nachtschattenblau Modal, 5% Kashmir
Unser 1. Modell einer neuen Reihe: Ein Querliegendes Motiv, welches besonders bei der Aufgefächerten Kreuztrage und Doublehammock zurGeltung kommt.
Release: Sonntag, 09.02.2014, 20.30 Uhr
Da dies ein erster Versuch mit einem querliegenden, speziell für Doublehammock und aufgefächerte Kreuztragen (Wickelrkeuz oder Kreuzrucksack) gedachtes Modell ist, ist dieses Tragetuch nur in den Größen 6 und 7 mit jeweils 20 Stück verfügbar.
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Gr. 6 139, Gr. 7 149 Euro
Kokadi makes carrying babies a unique experience. Babies are content hearing Mom's heartbeat, smelling Mom's wonderful scent and getting to know the world from a safe distance.
Parents are aiding healthy mental and physical development for their child with a Kokadi wrap. Busy parents are able to attend their daily tasks guilt free because their baby is always right there with them.
These wraps are stylish - Kokadi baby slings are decorated with unique patterns offering a wide variety of designs for every Woman – it's a great accessory.
The standard range is elegant, cheerful and cheeky chic to rock.
The threads of Kokadi baby slings are twisted specifically for Kokadi , colored and then woven.
Due to the special weaving technique, the Jacquard weaving gives the wrap a varied design making you and baby look your best.
Kokadi baby slings are made for today's modern parents and their babies - with Kokadi sustainability and design are “connected.”