So far we used to say: brave as Richard the Lionheart. But from now on Ryszard the Lionheart as well as Joan of Arc, King Arthur, Despero, Rudy Giuliani and Merida the Brave are in the background. From now on everyone will say: brave like Marysia! We want to support Marysia in her fight for health. Yesterday we showed a video about the project. Today we open the preorder:
Special offers : Pre-order
Blend Type : 100% Cotton
Weave Type : Jacquard
Weight : 270 g/m²
Fabric Type : Woven fabrics
Design : Marysia's Cat
Size 4 (XS) 118.68 $
LennyLamb Company is a family business and initiative of people that are fascinated by the phenomenon of babywearing.