This absolutely beautiful 100% cotton printed wrap is a must have! Printed baby wraps allow us to capture color and depth in a way that woven wraps do not. They are soft and comfortable for both baby and caregiver with just the right amount of stretch and support combined.
These are fantastic wraps for newborns through the toddler years. OFG | MM is offering wraps, ring slings, buckle carriers, blankets, and bags to ensure you have the best selection possible.
total price
Large Ring Sling $130.00
Size 4 (3.6m) $140.00
Size 5 (4.2m) $150.00
Size 6 (4.6 m) $165.00
Size 7 (5.2m) $175.00
Size 8 (5.6 m) $185.00
Firma NATIBABY powstała w 2005 roku. Wysoka jakość materiału, bogata kolorystyka i korzystna cena sprawiają, że chusty NATI są prawdopodobnie najczęściej kupowanymi chustami nie tylko wśród chust wiązanych.